Thursday 22 September 2011

RESOLVED: Workaround for Athens authentication

UPDATED: This issue is now resolved, access to Athens authenticated resources is now active again.

If unable to access resources using Athens authentication, the following may help:

Go to the MyAthens website at and use the alternative login.

Go to York St John University in the list of Universities.

You then will have access to a resource list and Dawson books.

Update 13.40 Friday:

This link takes you more directly to the Athens alternative logon, and then should redirect to the list of resources. Could you add a comment to let us know if this works for you, please?

We have also updated the "YSJ students and staff: continue your search" link from the off-campus view of the library home page, to use the alternative login. This does work, though occasionally you will see a blank page, and need to refresh the page in the browser in order to get your search results.

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